Tuesday, January 2, 2007

Trendlines and Fibonacci Forex

Mark McCrae provides this video on trendlines in the forex market

Another Trendline Trading Forex Video

Here's another trendline trading video. Watch them all because each one gives you a slightly different view.

Trendline Trading Forex Video

Trendline trading is one of the key basics in forex trading or any trading for that matter. This video covers visually the important elements of trendline trading. If you can understand the guys accent which is pretty strong, you will be ok. Good luck.

Forex Videos From Peter Bain

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The most valuable feature is that Peter is always there and always working hard and VERY PRESENT and always stays in communication with you. He is the hardest working forex mentor on the net today and has helped thousands achieve success in the forex market.

FOREX Training Video - August 2, 2006

Another forex training video from forex bootcamp.

FOREX Training Video - July 31, 2006

Here's the first forex video from tadeusiju

Well it looks like forex videos is up an running.

Welcome to Forex Videos Blog

We will be posting some videos about Forex, if we can find any. You are welcome to suggest your own somehow.